Very first one to cross the European continent and be founded in North America, SALOON Montreal is the initiative of independent curators and art writers Nathalie Bachand and Chloé Grondeau. After meeting up with founders of SALOON in Brussels, Paris and Berlin while travelling, it seemed that Montreal could benefit from being part of this international network of women in the arts. Officially founded in April 2022, SALOON Montreal brings together an already close-knit community of women artists, curators, critics, researchers and all other professional profiles that contribute to the advancement and enrichment of thinking in contemporary art. It seemed only natural to label and strengthen our milieu by bringing it together under a structuring network, allowing us to expand the resonance of what it means to be a woman in the art world today.


SALOON Montreal facilitates an exchange between local members by regularly hosting meetings and by valorizing their role in the milieu. The Montreal structure is composed of members chosen for the reflective and/or formal demands of their projects as well as their active involvement in their particular field of expertise. It also encourages a connection with members from other international SALOON cities in order to be part of this extended and diversified network, while valuing inclusiveness and equal treatment and remuneration for all actors contributing to the art world. SALOON Montreal sees itself as a cohesive community that participates in the highlighting, strengthening and growth of women's initiatives.


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Board Member Nathalie Bachand
Board Member Nathalie Bachand

Nathalie Bachand (she/her) is an independent curator interested in digital technology, its issues and its conditions of emergence in contemporary arts. Her exhibitions have been presented in Quebec, as well as in Paris, Lyon, Geneva and Budapest. Her latest independent project – New Surroundings: Approaching the Untouchable, bringing together six VR works – was produced by Molior in 2023 and presented at Livart in Montreal. She is a member of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA), sits on the Board of Directors at Avatar in Quebec City, and writes regularly about visual and media arts. Previously in charge of development for ELEKTRA-BIAN (2006-2016), she is currently director of digital arts development for Sporobole.

Board Member Chloé Grondeau
Board Member Chloé Grondeau

Chloé Grondeau (she/her), independent curator, published author in specialized magazines and artists' catalogs, is a member of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA). Her interests focus on the frameworks of reflection and production of art as well as the creation of collaborative contexts. In parallel to her independent activity, she has worked in institutions and plural spaces such as the FRAC-Collection Aquitaine (Fr), the Fabrique Pola/Zébra3 (Fr) or currently as director of the Diagonale center (Ca). Chloé Grondeau is President of the Board of Directors of Triangle Canada (Triangle Network) and regularly sits on juries in contemporary art. In 2020, she completed a multi-month research residency at the International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP) in New York.



Bianca Shonee Arroyo-Kreimes [Artist, video, digital media,]

Sylvette Babin [Director @ Esse Art+Opinion]

Nathalie Bachand [Independent Curator, Art Critic, & Artistic Co-director @ Sporobole] 

Myriam Barriault [Curator @ Galerie UdM,]

Marie-Ève Beaupré [General and Artistic Director @ Fondation Guido Molinari,]

 Catherine Béchard [Artist, installation, sound, mixed media @ Béchard Hudon,]

 Anne-Marie Belley [Independent Curator]

Manel Benchabane [Curator @ Stewart Hall Art Gallery,]

Aurélie Besson [Director @ Molior,]

Eunice Bélidor [Independent Curator, Art Historian,]

Émylie Bernard [Artist, installation, sculpture, performance,]

Myriam Bleau [Artist, AV & sound performance, digital media,]

Jade Boivin [Editor, Art Writer, Art Historian, profile on]

Esther Bourdages [Art Critic, Independent Curator & Musician,]

Marjolaine Bourduas [Artist, sculpture, installation,]   

Megan Bradley [Co-founder & Co-director @ Bradley Ertaskiran,]

Marianne Breton [General Director @ OBORO,]

Nathalie Bujold [Artist, video, installation,]

Janick Burn [Artist, performance, video,]

Belinda Campbell [Artist, video, sound, performance,]

Marthe Carrier [Director @ B-312,]

Meredith Carruthers [Artist, installation, mixed media,]

Nathalie Casemajor [Professor, Researcher @ INRS,]

Marie-Charlotte Castonguay-Harvey [Co-founder, Co-director @ Galerie Galerie,]

Stéphanie Chabot [Art Historian]

Margot Chambon [Curator & Artist, photography,]

Marie-Ève Charron [Art Historian, Art Critic] 

Chloë Cheuk [Artist, installation, sculpture, digital media,]

France Choinière [Director @ Dazibao,]

Natacha Clitandre [Artist, intervention in public space, photography, video, installation,] 

Marianne Cloutier [Independent Curator & Art Historian]

Gina Cortopassi [Art Historian, Art Critic,]

Julie Côté [Director @ Pangée,] 

Laura Criollo-Carrillo [Artist, installation, digital media,]

Charline Dally [Artist, video,] 

Manon De Pauw [Artist, & Professor @ UQAM University,]

Milly-Alexandra Dery [General & Artistic Director @ Fonderie Darling,]

Marie-Michelle Deschamps [Artist, sculpture,]

Caroline Douville [Artist, painting, mixed-media,]

Anna Eyler [Artist, installation, digital media, CGI,]

Rosalie D. Gagné [Artist, installation, mixed media,]

Erin Gee [Artist, digital media, sound,]

Audrey Genois [Director of Cultural Affairs @ MACM,]

Nicole Gingras [Independent Curator, Art Writer] 

Dominique Fontaine [Independent Curator,]

Nadège Grebmeier Forget [Artist, installation, performance,]

Chloé Grondeau [Independent Curator, Art Critic,, & Director @ Diagonale,] 

Kaysie Hawke [Programming Coordinator @ Artexte,]

Lynn Hughes [Artist, Curator, Researcher, Professor Emeritus @ Concordia University,]

Alice Jarry [Artist, digital media, & Researcher, Assistant Professor @ Concordia University,] 

Sophie Jodoin [Artist, installation, collage, photography, video, text,]

Virginie Laganière [Artist, photography, video, sound, installation,]

Frédérique Laliberté [Artist, installation, performance, web, sound,]

Catherine Lalonde Massecar [Artist, performance, multidisciplinarity]

Olivia-Faye Lathuillière [Artist, installation, sound sculpture, video,]

Sophie Latouche [Artist, digital media, drawing, & Co-founder, Co-director @ Galerie Galerie,] 

Marilou Lemmens [Artist, installation, mixed media @ Ibghy & Lemmens,]

Marie-Ève Levasseur [Artist, installation, digital media, CGI,] 

Juliette Lusven [Artist, installation, mixed media,]

Olivia McGilchrist [Artist, digital media, virtual reality,]

Katherine Melançon [Artist, installation, digital image,]

Caroline Monnet [Artist, installation, mixed-media,] 

Camille Montuelle [Cultural Events Assistant @ Maison de la Culture du Plateau Mont-Royal,] 

Diane Morin [Artist, installation, mixed media,]

Anahita Norouzi [Artist, multidisciplinarity,]

Charlotte Panaccio-Letendre [General & Artistic Director @ Verticale,] 

Sonia Pelletier [General Director @ REPAIRE,]

Ariane Plante [Independent Curator & Artist, sound,]

Josianne Poirier [Art Historian, Curator & Artistic Director, Grantham Foundation, fondationgrantham,org]

Christelle Proulx [Art Historian, Researcher,]

Nelly-Ève Rajotte [Artist, video, sound,, & Professor @ UQAM University,]

Ana Rewakowicz [Artist, installation, mixed media,]

Lucie Rocher [Artist, photography, installation,]     

Andrée-Anne Roussel [Artist, cinema, video]

Florence Delphine Roux [Artist, sound]

Aseman Sabet [Independent Curator & Art Historian]

Marie Samuel Levasseur [Artist, installation, mixed media,]

Véronique Savard [Artist, painting,]

Marie Ségolène C Brault [Artist, interdisciplinarity, performance, writing & Director/Curator @ Espace Maurice,]

Catherine Sicot [Independent Curator,

Cheryl Sim [Managing Director and Curator @ Phi Centre,]

Dominique Sirois [Artist, installation, sculpture,]

Dominique Sirois-Rouleau [General Director @ MOMENTA,]

Julia Eilers Smith [Research and Collection (Max Stern Curator) @ Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery,]

Thérèse St-Gelais [Art Historian & Professor @ UQAM,]

Marie-Douce St-Jacques [Artist, installation, sound,]

Anne-Marie St-Jean Aubre [Art Historian, Curator @ MBAM,]

Tanya St-Pierre [Artist, digital media, CGI, sound,]

Tamar Tembeck [Artistic Director @ OBORO,]

Shanie Tomassini [Artist, installation, sculpture,] 

Manon Tourigny [General Director @ Artexte,]

Sarah Ève Tousignant [Independent Curator & Funding and Strategic Projects Manager @ Mutek,]

Julie Tremble [Artist, video, CGI,] 

Lisa Tronca [Art Historian, Art Writer, Curator,] 

Alicia Turgeon [General Director @ Eastern Bloc,]

Erandy Vergara [Art Historian, Curator, & Assistant Professor @ MacEwan University]

Mégane Voghell [Artist, drawing,]

Sandra Volny [Artist, sound, moving image, photography, sculpture, text,]

Sarah Wendt [Artist, installation, performance, multidisciplinarity,]

Susannah Wesley [Artist, installation, mixed media,]          

Pavitra Wickramasinghe [Artist, digital media, multidisciplinarity,]

Florentine Wüest [Independent Cultural Worker]

Sonja Zlatanova [Curator, artist, multidisciplinarity & Programming Coordinator @ OBORO,]