Former SALOON Berlin member, Dr. Franziska Storch, was the one who brought the SALOON spirit to Hamburg — she understood the power of connecting great women who are working in the local art scene. Consequently, SALOON Hamburg was founded in January 2018 by Storch and her colleague, Charlotte Gaitzsch (board member from 2018-2023); both art historians, curators, and art guides. SALOON Hamburg facilitates an exchange between local members by regularly hosting meetings, promoting their works on Instagram, and by organizing yearly exhibitions. Additionally, the network increases its connection to other players in the local art scene by hosting public events such as the talks “Why female perspectives matter like never before”. Furthermore, SALOON Hamburg encourages the members to connect with members of the other international SALOON cities to engage with the widespread, diverse network of women. SALOON Hamburg also strives for equal treatment and payment of all participants in the art world and is open to potential inspiring and supportive cooperation partners.


You can find more information about SALOON Hamburg on

To apply as a member, please write to

Dr. Franziska Storch
Dr. Franziska Storch

Dr. Franziska Storch (she/her) is an art historian based in Hamburg who co-founded the SALOON Hamburg in 2018. After her studies in art history and mathematics in Oldenburg, she completed her PhD at the Humboldt-University in Berlin about the color grey. Franziska is interested in arts as a means of reflecting society. Her focus on aspects like color, space and perception reveals bridges between past and present. After a voluntary assignment at the Bucerius Kunst Forum, she now works as a freelance speaker, author of texts and audio pieces, as curator and as guide. She can look back on successful collaborations with e.g. the museum Hamburger Kunsthalle, the public radio station NDR, the foundation MeetFrida or the association Lichtwark-Gesellschaft Hamburg. On an annual basis, Franziska curates the international SALOON exhibitions in Hamburg. The last exhibitions have been "You've got mail" (mom art space, 2020), "entFALTUNG" (Galerie Carolyn Heinz, 2021), "beyond BEYOND" (MeetFrida, 2022).

Susanne Alm-Hanke (Art Teacher, Art Educator) 

Sevil Amini (Artist, painting,

Angela Anzi (Artist, performing installation,

Lara Bader (Art historian, co-founder and co-head of Das Kurativ, )

Sonja Baer (Art historian and freelance author,

Monika Baum (Cultural Studies and Education, Shareholder of the altonale, )

Marie Becker (Gallery owner, 14a,

Gaby Bergmann (Artist, visual poetry,

Melike Bilir (Gallery owner, Gallery Melike Bilir,

Anna Bochkova (artist, installation / drawing / sculpture, art educator, part of TFR research collective, )

Dr. Dorothee Böhm (Art historian, freelance curator, author, lecturer, exhibition/collection/project manager)

Elisabeth Bonse (Art historian, expert liaison at Sotheby´s Hamburg, )

Birgit Bornemann (Artist, photography / film / installation art,

Josephin Böttger (Artist, Video, 

Marcia Breuer (artist, photography / drawing, www.marciabreuer.dewww.mehrmütterfü

Dr. Kerstin Bruchhäuser (Artist, textile,

Dorothee Daphi (Artist, painting,, and curator, Frappant e.V.,

Nathalie David (Artist, film / photography / drawing,

Mela Dávila-Freire (Author / Advisor / Dozens / Curator, Art Archives, Artists’ Publications,

Isabel Deimel (Art Historian, gallery manager Galerie Herold, 

Prof. Dr. Burcu Dogramaci (Professor for Art History, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich,

Vera Drebusch (Artist, installation / photography, )

Larissa Dudek (Freelance writer, journalist, NDR,

Antje Egizzi (Artist, Founder of Kunstpol,

Astrid Ehlers (Artist, drawing,

Carla Erdmann (Photo Journalist, Writer about Photography, Editor Leica Fotografie International (LFI) & LFI online as well as curator) 

Elena Greta Falcini (Artist, sculpture, installation,

Judith Fell-Zeller (Journalist, board of directors of „Neue Kunst in Hamburg e.V.“,

Antje Flotho (Artist, Thread Drawings,     

Bettina Freimann (Curator, Manager of Triennale der Photographie Hamburg,

Marejke Fries (Event management / programme coordination, Hamburger Kunsthalle,

Si-Ying Fung (Artist, painting,

Dr. Belinda Grace Gardner (Art theorist, freelance art critic, author, university teacher, and independent curator,

Anna Genger (Artist, painting & sculpture,, initiator & founder of l'apotheque, @lapotheque)

Rahel Gorten (Founder, leikela Fine Art Online,

Lara Gorski (Art Historian, Writer)

Tanja Hehmann (Artist, painting,

Carolyn Heinz (Gallery owner, Gallery Carolyn Heinz,

Gabriele Himmelmann (Art Historian & Art Mediator)

Linda Hollkott (Artist, installations,

Angela Holzhauer (Gallery owner, Gallery Holzhauer Hamburg,

Ann-Kathrin Hubrich (Art Historian and Curator)

Suse Itzel (Artist, Video and Installation,

Dr. des. Ina Jessen (Art Historian, Postdoc Researcher, Curator, Lecturer / University of Hamburg,

Hannimari Jokinen (Visual artist, curator, author,

Simone Karl (Artist, collage / installation,

Simone Kessler (Artist, sculpture, photography, 

Petra Kilian (Artist, textiles,

Anne Simone Kiesiel (Freelance Art Historian)

Nina Maria Küchler (Artist, drawings, installation, film,

Gesa Lange (Artist, drawing/installation,

Juliane Laitzsch (Artist, Mixed Media,

Barbara Lang (Translator, cultural manager,

Clara Langenbach (Artist, sculpture,

Anik Lazar (Artist, Painting and Sculpture,

Sabrina Lemcke (Managing Director, Gallery and Publishing House St. Gertrude,

Stefanie Lüdeking (Managing Director, Bucerius Kunst Club,

Hilke Ludwig (Executive MeetFrida Foundation ,, Founder Artelier Atmospher

Svenja Maaß (Artist, Painting,

Isa Maschewski (Artistic and Managing Director, Kunstverein Jesteburg,

Chantal Maquet (Artist, Painting,

Anne Meerpohl (Artist, painting + installation, writer, curator, co-founder of Cake&Cash Curatorial Collective,

Julia Metropolit (Artist, Sculpture,

Vivian Michalski (art historian, exhibition & project manager, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe

PD Dr. Karen Michels (Founder and director, Agentur für Kunstverstand,

Anna Mieves (Artist, Sculpture,

Barbara-Kathrin Möbius (Artist, Drawing and Painting, www.bkmö

Elisabeth Moch (Artist, Painting and Sculpture)

Andrea Möller (Cultural mediator / editor of “Kunstflâneur”, )

Katharina Mokross (Art agent,

Penny Monogiou (Artist, Painting,

Inga Müller (Consultant, Department Art & Culture, Stiftungen der Sparkasse Holstein,

Bianca Müllner (Artist, Painting,

Franziska Nast (Artist, book designer,

Bisrat Negassi (Author, Curator, Fashion designer, Director collection fashion & textile, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe,,

Lena Oehmsen (Artist, installations, photography,

Franziska Opel (Artist, Installations,

Christiane Opitz (Cultural Studies / writer / curator)

Justine Otto (Artist, Painting,, and Curator, 

Michaela Pens (Freelance Art Mediation and Librarian, Library of the Hamburger Kunsthalle,

Bärbel Praun (Artist, photography / sculpture,

Dr. Nanna Preußners (Gallery owner, Gallery Nanna Preußners,

Catharina Rahlff-Mackeprang (Gallery director, Produzentengalerie,

Dr. Kathrin Reeckman (Gallery director, Gallery Stern-Wywiol,

Anne Reiter (Artist, textile + installation,

Nilofar Rezai (Artist, video / installation, 

Andrea Richter (Cultural Journalist,

Esther Sairally (Founder and director, Drawing Room,

Janina SantaMarina (Artist, Sculptor,

Lina Scheewe (Freelance Art Historian and Art Mediator)

Maren Schimmer (Artist, drawings/paintings,

Dr. Katharina Schlüter (Director of the department Art & Culture, Stiftungen der Sparkasse Holstein,

Katja Schroeder (Co-Director, Arthur Boskamp Stiftung,

Dr. Anna Schwan (Founder and Chairwoman, MeetFrida Foundation, ,

Wiebke Schwarzhans (Artist / PhD Candidate of  HFBK Hamburg, Artistic Research, )

Anja Sieber (Artist, painting,

Laura Sigrüner (Artist, Sculptor)

Silke Silkeborg (Artist, painting and installation,

Annika Sprünker (Book and Art Dealer at Felix Jud, and Art Mediatior, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe,,

Adriane Steckhan (Artist, photography/installation art

Annette Streyl (Artist, sculpture,

Ifee Tack (Art Historian, Freelance Author and Project Manager, Curatorial / Research Assistant at Hamburger Kunsthalle,

Anna Tautfest (Artist, Photography, 

Xiyu Tomorrow (Artist, Drawing,

Annika Unterburg (visual artist, painting, drawing, color research,

Nina Venus (Artist, Painting,, Curator, e.g. OFF-Triennale 2018,

Nicola Verstl (Foundation management, Hamburger Kunstsammlungen, & Stiftung Kulturglück,

Andrea Völker (Art Historian & Art Mediator/ PhD Candidate at Hamburger Kunsthalle, Museum History, 19th Century Art,

Annegret Weitkämpfer-Krug (Art Consultant, Art Adviser,

Alexandra Waligorski (Art Historian, Cultural Scientist and Islamic Scholar, Freelance Curator)

Daniela Wesenberg (Artist, drawing/installation,

Gesa Wieczorek (Art historian, event-manager) 

Rena Wiekhorst (Art historian, art education, membership support, Freunde der Kunsthalle e.V., Hamburg,

Katja Windau (Artist, sculpture / installation / performance,